Beautiful community

A Professional Association Management Company

Welcome to a new way of Management! CID Management is an accredited full service association management company. We offer complete management services for all forms of Common Interest Developments (CID) (Commercial/Residential Associations) with experienced certified managers to help improve your community.

A common interest development (“CID”) is a real property development where property owners share a common set of financial obligations, property and easement rights established within the Codes, Covenants & Regulations (CC&Rs). Condo/Townhome Homeowner Associations (HOA), Commercial Office Associations, Planned Unit Developments (Single Family PUD), Cooperatives (Coops)…) are all legally Non-Profit CID Corporations and are required to comply with all Corporate laws & policies and deserve proper management by managers who are professional, experienced and trained in the association industry. We provide leadership, experience and powerful decision-making. We work with our clients to find the right solutions.

Our goal as your management company is to enhance the value of your organization and to improve the community’s standard of living by ensuring that the associations are compliant and meeting all requirements. Our team is knowledgeable in association policies and thus are able to provide the best management services in the market.

We realize that maintenance, delinquencies and violations are some of the issues involved in maintaining the CID Life and the association’s standard of living and Board Members are generally overwhelmed with having to self-manage these issues. Our philosophy is centered on improving your communities. In our opinion, Owners should be comfortable with the appearance, operation and financial aspect of their Association and we are here to help. Featured Association Manager 2013 visitors choice